This week's Words Of The Week are "Taking Care of Our Bodies".
Why is it important to take care of our bodies? Well, because we only get one! It is important to take care of your body so that you not only live longer but also live better. Being able to enjoy your time doing things with those you love is so important.
One step towards healthy living is paying attention to our body. Knowing your body, like how it looks and feels is important. If you aren't feeling well be sure to take the time to rest. REST IS IMPORTANT! Did you know that your body repairs itself when you sleep? Our bodies are so amazing! Also be sure to pay attention to how your body looks. If you find unusual bumps or bruises that don't go away, be sure to go to the doctor so they can check you out.
That's how Instructor Samantha Gomes found her cancer early. She found a weird lump and went to the doctor immediately. Fortunately for her, the cancer was very small and in a place that it could be easily removed. In fact this year marks Instructor Samantha's 10 year cancer-versary ... and she is happy to be cancer free for so long!
If you are interested in registering for this event go to the following link.